All members and guests will be punished if they are not following the following rules. No acceptions.
1. No mature 18+ content
2. No arguing unless it is about a topic or subject. Personal arguments will not be tolerated.
3. No heavy language. (It will be cencored)
4. No heavy ridicule or insults against Sonic, the Sonic Team, or SEGA. This site is very respectful of those who made this site possible.
5. No ridicule or insults against Sonic fans.
6. No heavy ridicule against other games or other game fans.
7. No insulting of other people, of ANY kind.
8. No off topic comments. You are not allowed to go to a topic and say something like : "cool" or "this is old news", when you do that, you are posting just for the heck of it and to gain points. This is not allowed.
9. No Double Posting.
10. No off-topic forums (forums that do not relate to section)